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Northeast Jacksonville: (904) 518-4555

Westside/Orange Park: (904) 720-2589

Spinal Decompression in Jacksonville, FL

spinal decompression jacksonville

At Jacksonville Chiropractic Rehab & Wellness Center, we understand the challenges that come with chronic back or neck pain. Spinal decompression therapy offers a promising solution for those suffering from conditions like bulging or herniated discs, effectively relieving pressure on nerves and spinal structures.

What is Spinal Decompression?

Spinal decompression therapy can be non-surgical or surgical, depending on the severity and nature of your condition.

Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression

This gentle, non-invasive treatment involves motorized traction to stretch the spine, reducing pressure on the discs. This stretching can result in retraction of herniated or bulging discs, easing pressure on affected areas and facilitating the body's natural healing process.

Surgical Spinal Decompression

For more severe cases, surgical options like Corpectomy, Laminotomy, and Diskectomy may be considered. Surgical decompression is targeted at conditions such as bony growths or severely ruptured discs. Our team will guide you through understanding these options to determine the best course of action for your health.

The Benefits of Spinal Decompression

Incorporating spinal decompression into your treatment plan can offer significant benefits:
● Enhances blood flow, oxygen, and nutrient movement to the affected area.● Helps retract bulging or herniated discs, reducing nerve pressure.● Alleviates pain and discomfort in the back or neck.● Enables easier engagement in daily activities and exercises.

Your Path to Relief

Non-surgical decompression typically involves a series of treatments, with each session lasting up to 45 minutes. Many patients report relief from discomfort and reduced inflammation following these sessions.

Contact Us for Expert Care

To learn more about spinal decompression and how it can be a part of your recovery journey, contact Jacksonville Chiropractic Rehab & Wellness Center. Our dedicated team is here to assist you in reclaiming a pain-free life.

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