Northeast Jacksonville: (904) 518-4555

Westside/Orange Park: (904) 720-2589

Northeast Jacksonville: (904) 518-4555

Westside/Orange Park: (904) 720-2589

Lifestyle & Nutritional Advice in Jacksonville

nutrition jacksonville

Our Chiropractic offices in Jacksonville are available for nutritional advice. In this day and age, specialization seems to be the norm. However, Jacksonville Chiropractic Rehab & Wellness Center believes that a broader approach to health actually produces better results.
Jacksonville Chiropractic Rehab & Wellness Center tends toward an integrated approach to physical wellness, with "whole body" treatment that encourages lifestyle and nutritional changes, meditation, and relaxation, physical and mental exercise, and positive reinforcement. In addition to non-invasive and drug-free treatment Jacksonville Chiropractic Rehab & Wellness Center promotes necessary healing from accidents or injury with small changes in lifestyle and diet that can be life-changing.

A Coordinated Approach to Wellness

However, that can all change. We recommend a regular program of exercise for 20 to 30 minutes at least three or four times a week. A Jacksonville gym membership isn't necessary. A brisk walk or Modern dance moves are great ways to reap the benefits! Play a game of pickup basketball, or touch football, go canoeing with the family or take up yoga to reap the dual benefits or stretching and meditation. 
Eat simple meals that are heavy on fruit, vegetables, and fiber; include whole grains, nuts, and legumes. Lessen your dependence on coffee and sweets. Limit alcohol and soda consumption. If you still smoke, quit. Take brown bag lunches to work or school, and skip the drive-through lanes -- your budget will stretch further as well. Cook at home.

Let Your Chiropractor Guide You

Visit local farmers markets, or plan a "kitchen garden" to experience true fresh flavors and the great taste of just-picked tomatoes or fruits. Spend a few weekend hours cooking meals to freeze if your weekday schedules are jammed.
For additional ideas, simply schedule a consultation with Jacksonville Chiropractic Rehab & Wellness Center. We are always available to help you reclaim your vitality and set you on the path to lasting wellness.

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